I don't have time!

Before I go I'll feed the cat -
There's nothing too tough about that...
Until I see my plan he's scuppered
by having mice for last night's supper.

I don't have time!

A wash to sort and then the dishes.
I fill the sink. Part of me wishes
that, in among the shirts and socks,
I could just throw the dirty crocks.

I don't have time!

The bed's not made, I've still to hoover.
Could I just hire a remover
to take my furniture away
and give me floorspace for a day?

I don't have time!

Finally time to start the car -
just into town, not very far.
A cough, a splutter, then it dies.
I've now to phone the breakdown guys!

I don't have time!

The cat, the car, the wash, the cleaning,
the problems that keep intervening
all help to set my daily mood.
“Chill out”? “Relax”? I wish I could but

I don't have time!