Questions, Questions...

This poem of mine was in the top twelve shortlist for the Fife Bookfest poetry prize a few years ago.  No prize for me, but a great fun evening at the prize giving with lots of good feedback and a chance to meet friends old and new.

For this poem, you have to imagine that I am about five and curious about EVERYTHING!

 Questions, Questions...

Why are the flowers red, Mummy?
Why is the sea so blue?
What makes the grass grow green, Mummy?
I don't know, do you?

What can we have for tea, Mummy?
Why is it ALWAYS stew?
Can't we buy fish and chips, Mummy?
I don't know, do you?

Why is the TV broke, Mummy?
Why does the rent say "DUE"?
Why won't you buy me toys, Mummy?
I don't know, do you?

Why are we all alone, Mummy?
Why isn't Dad here too?
Will he be coming home, Mummy?
I don't know, do you?